This daily sweeps started on October 1, so it’s one third over. But I’m not letting that get me down. I entered this morning and plan to enter daily until the day it closes, December 29 to be precise. The Grand Prize is six nights at one of the Fairmonts that has a Willow Stream Spa, either Scottsdale, Cairo, Monte Carlo, Beijing or Vancouver. That’s an interesting menu. If I won today, I’d go with Cairo.
Of course I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow, the anticipation around this election is bottomless. Isaac does not have school, thank goodness, so he can accompany me to the polls and we can stroll around the neighborhood and experience what I hope will be a historic day. That said, the public-opinion polls are confusing. I sense that Obama is going to win. As in practically feel it in my bones. If that’s the case, I will be crying me a river.
An article last week on Slate about what our stuff says about our politics caught my eye. No big surprises (conservatives have more stamps and calendars in their homes!) but these “findings” reminded me of something: Liberals' bedrooms had a greater variety of books (especially books about travel, feminism, and music). They had more CDs and a greater variety of music (folk, world, classical). Liberal bedrooms had more art supplies, cultural memorabilia, and maps of other countries. I noted “especially books about travel,” which reminded me that I have, in my meager travels, rarely met any Republican types – except when I’m staying at more upscale accommodations.
To enter, click HERE. Daily through December 29.