

now what?

I am positively wistful now that summer travels have come to an end. Soccer and school will soon be upon us. This makes weekend getaways practically impossible, unless I forsake soccer, which I have no interest in doing. I do miss taking trips in the off months, the way we did before the school year shackled us to our home base.

The cure for this postpartum lassitude is planning a trip. Only I don't know where. Until I decide, I'll console myself with my sweeps.

This morning I entered a sweeps for a seven-day road trip to Anywhere, U.S.A. The winner gets use of a Buick for a week, as well as hotel accommodations and airfare. What's especially cool is that the winner works with a travel agent to customize the trip. This is a daily, the sponsors are Buick and The Travel Channel. The deadline is September 25. To enter, click HERE.

P.S. A Washington icon turns 50 this week. Ben's Chili Bowl has been a part of our world for over 15 years. Isaac's been going there since he was a toddler. One favorite memory: The bitterly cold night we slept overnight in our cars to get Isaac into our first choice elementary school, I scooted to Ben's Chili Bowl before midnight for fortifications, tea and pieces of cake. Here's a Washington Post article and slideshow.