

spa-di-da: three nights at canyon ranch tucson

I spent so much time at the computer yesterday that by evening’s end I wondered if I might start developing symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis. Fortunately I woke up symptom-free.

As you can see, I added an image to the masthead, a water color of Yelapa, the fishing village on the Bay of Banderas south of Puerto Vallerta. I don’t know who painted this vibrant seascape. I’d very much like to contact the painter. I am thinking this is a woman painter, there’s a female sensibility at work here.

This morning I entered a sweeps for a three-night stay at Canyon Ranch Spa in Tucson. It’s a once daily. I must have played it before because I only needed to provide my name and email, a sign that I’d previously registered. It runs through November 30. This spa, and the Red Mountain Spa, are big on participating on sweeps. It must be the tax write-off, since they already get so much ink and are so well-known.

To enter, click HERE.