

two to tango: six nights in buenos aires

I’m back, on the other side of an exceedingly hectic stretch. Snippets: For Halloween, Isaac was a Republican. It was his idea. Several weeks earlier, he’d asked which animal the Republicans were, the donkey or the elephant. When he told me that was what he wanted to be for Halloween, I panicked. I knew it would be next to impossible to find a elephant’s costume in his size. Making one – yikes to that prehensile trunk and those floppy Dumbo ears – would be a nightmare. Two days before, it hit me: I could make a silhouette of the Republican logo out of an oversize box, cover it in red, white and blue paper, cut two holes for string so he could wear it around his neck like a sandwich board. For emphasis, I made a large cartoon balloon for him to carry: “This year for Halloween, I decided to be a Republican. Now, that’s scary!”

The day before Halloween, I went to the CVS and rather nervously purchased a boxcutter (I still get paranoid that someone’s keeping tabs on things like this) and proceeded to cut out the elephant logo, nearly slicing off a finger tip at the bend of the trunk. That evening, Halloween Eve, Isaac and I went to a souvenir shop and bought a Republican tee shirt. The morning of Halloween, I scooted to an art supply store to buy paper and a new canister of Spray Mount.

Suffice it to say, his costume was a big hit. I lost count of the number of people who said, “That is so funny, you can take TWO candies!” Yes, Isaac got doubles nearly everywhere he went. He also won a prize for the costume in a neighborhood costume contest. Obviously, this costume would not fly in every neighborhood.

Otherwise, we’ve been busy with school and soccer. The soccer season ended last week. Basketball practice starts this with. Me, well, I am still trying to get my writing mojo back.

This morning, I found a sweeps to Buenos Aires. Six nights, presumably in an Omni Hotel, since they’re one of the sponsors. two roundtrip tickets.

It’s a one-entry sweeps. The deadline, per the Official Rules, is February 29.

To enter, click HERE.